dimarts, 14 de maig del 2019


We have been working a lot! Now we know a lot of animals and how they sound. In P3 we learnd about pets, in P4 about farm animals and in P5 about jungle animals!! Some of them can be amazing.

So if you want to practise at home, here there are some games!

Match the memory farm animals

Match the memory jungle animals

Match the memory pets

And here there are songs:

 Walking in the jungle , Pet finger familyOld MacDoland had a farm, or if you want to guess the animal and then find it, try this one Find the animal


dimecres, 8 de maig del 2019

Easter time

We celebrated our own Easter at the school! We explained The story os the Easter Bunny and the children enjoyed a lot!! This story is about the Easter Bunny who comes every year with a basket of painted eggs and chocolates.
Then we watched this fantastic video (after that video, they wanted chocolate ☺️) and we decided to make our baskets for the easter egg hunt, and this was the result.

And the most important thing!! The day of the hunt, they found a lot of chocolates eggs and they ate almost all of them!

dimecres, 23 de gener del 2019

It's winter!

Hello everyone!

Is it cold? yeah...so we are learning all the winter clothes we need, for being warmer. All of us know that we need a coat, a jumper, pants, boots, gloves for our hands and a warm scarf and hat for our head.

If you want to enjoy a funny story, read "Sneezy the snowman" by Maureen Wright. We love it! It's about winter and the  things that happen to the snowman. And we loved so much, that we started to build a snowman like Sneezy.

Enjoy! you can find it here: Sneezy the snowman

dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2018


Avui ha sigut el dia de la Cantata de Nadal a la nostra escola i ELS CANGURS ho hem fet molt i molt bé. Tot i que hi havien alguns nervis, finalment els hem sabut vèncer i hem pogut gaudir de la nostra actuació.
Us agraïm la vostra presència i esperem i desitgem que a vosaltres també us hagi agradat molt.
Aquí us deixem el poema i l'enllaç per poder escoltar la cançó, per si aquestes festes els infants volen repetir l'actuació davant de la família.



divendres, 30 de novembre del 2018

Hello everyone!

Hi families!

If you want to start the day singing, I share some songs with you! 
In p3 we make a circle and we sing Hello song  by ELF kids videos. 
In p4 we sing Hello hello! Can you clap your hands?  by Super Single Songs and in p5 we sing Hello song  by The Singing Walrus.

Is a good way to say hello to all our friends and move our body while we are learning diferents movements.

I hope you enjoy!

dimecres, 17 d’octubre del 2018

La Marina protagonista

Aquí tenim a la nostra primera protagonista del curs! Ens ho hem passat molt bé amb la seva mama i el seu papa